
Radiator Leak?

Add pepper. Why? I don't get it. Dad says if you have a small leak in your radiator to put ground pepper in there. "Works every time," says he.

So naturally, I do it. And of course, it works. What the hell? How does that work? My truck has been overheating and popping and fuming (strange in this wintry* cold). I finally added a little pepper to my truck and tada! Runs like a gem. Huh?

My truck is becoming a winter treat. Pepper in the radiator and a layer of salt on the body.

*Whoever decided that the "e" is removed from "winter" when a "y" is added to the end is not my friend. That's a stupid rule. "Wintry" looks nothing like "winter" and loses all its panache. Lame, lame.

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